The Journey


The Plot

Our story dates back to early 2018 and it was definitely not a typical year just like how we make plans and only just dream about it, but “WE MADE IT HAPPEN”in that year.

In 2018, One fine evening, few of us, childhood friends sat by the shores of the ocean and started conversing about the philosophy of life, career and thrive to achieve in life which happens mostly among the young lads. That conversation eventually pulled us into our interest of starting our own business and that’s the moment we gave birth to the Anfang.

We were all normal teenage guys motivated to climb the career ladder but all we lacked is the right direction. However, we shared the same passion and agitation to accomplish something in life and that’s where the story of ANFANG starts.

In mid of 2018’s, we happened to deliver a project and we felt that it is the  “RIGHT TIME” to invest and trust ourselves and on our capabilities to build  and drive a business. But at that stage, we were not able to plan and do it under the Anfang name.

The journey of Anfang, “It’s happening with us”, didn’t happen overnightbut YES we did finally register the company on Jan 14th with no office space, no garage but in one of our  bedroom space– “thanks to our families for tolerating us and for their patience”.  The Anfangians worked hard together and it involved immense learning in this process right from struggles to rejections – An Inevitable part of the growth process! 

Getting paid enough irrespective of the circumference’s music towards DEMOTIVATION the Olympic race – we wanted to paint our destiny which never stopped

Now let’s hear about what it is today!

Anfang believes in one idea only “It doesn’t matter where you are from, show your aspiration and amore towards creating and innovating” and that’s how best products are delivered to their clients. Trust is our way of doing things where honesty and openness are an integral part of everything we do.

The name “ANFANG” a German synonym meaning “THE BEGINNING” and the colour signifies what Anfangians are:

White, green, and black denotes our fresh creativity and hard to break who rides with Bull’s eye.

Passion is what drives ANFANG. It begins with 31 strong and competent Anfangians learning every day, growing together and flourishing. It is this passion and willingness to learn that pushes Anfang to deliver the best quality and efficient product to its customers.

We still have a long journey ahead and we are NOT ready to give up anytime Soon!